The strength testing standards for cement stabilized crushed stone mainly involve unconfined compressive strength, which usually follows relevant national regulations and testing methods. The following is a detailed interpretation of the strength testing standards for cement stabilized crushed stone:
1、 Strength testing requirements
Intensity index:
水泥稳定碎石的强度主要通过无侧限抗压强度来评价。不同级别的水泥稳定碎石在特定龄期(如28天)下的无侧限抗压强度有不同的最小值要求。例如,国家标准GB/T 17671-1999《水泥稳定砂石料》中规定了不同级别水泥稳定碎石的抗压强度标准,其中低于1.5MPa的级别可用于基层,高于1.5MPa的级别适用于路面结构。
The strength of cement stabilized crushed stone is mainly evaluated by its unconfined compressive strength. Different levels of cement stabilized crushed stone have different minimum requirements for unconfined compressive strength at specific ages (such as 28 days). For example, the national standard GB/T 17671-1999 "Cement Stabilized Sand and Gravel" specifies the compressive strength standards for different grades of cement stabilized crushed stone, with grades below 1.5 MPa applicable to the base layer and grades above 1.5 MPa applicable to the pavement structure.
Test method:
Unconfined compressive strength test is a commonly used method for testing the strength of cement stabilized crushed stone. This experiment compresses the standard specimen under specified humidity conditions, measures the maximum load before the specimen fails, and calculates its compressive strength value.
2、 Testing steps and precautions
Preparation for the experiment:
Prepare the specimens according to the prescribed method and cure them under standard curing conditions until the specified age is reached.
Prepare the necessary instruments and equipment for the experiment, such as universal material testing machine, vernier caliper, electronic balance, etc.
Experimental steps:
Remove the specimen from the curing environment and use a soft cloth to absorb any moisture from the surface of the specimen.
Measure the height and diameter of the specimen and record the data.
Place the specimen on the spherical support of the universal material testing machine and conduct a compression test.
Record the maximum pressure at which the specimen fails and calculate the unconfined compressive strength according to the formula.
During the experiment, the loading rate should be kept constant to avoid inaccurate test results caused by being too fast or too slow.
The test results of the same group of specimens should be statistically analyzed, outliers should be removed, and the average strength and coefficient of variation should be calculated.
If the test results do not meet the requirements, the specimens should be prepared again and tested.
3、 Practical Application of Strength Testing Standards
Engineering quality acceptance:
In road engineering, the strength testing of cement stabilized crushed stone is an important part of engineering quality acceptance. By testing the unconfined compressive strength, it can be determined whether the quality of cement stabilized crushed stone meets the design requirements.
Construction control:
During the construction process, by regularly testing the strength of cement stabilized crushed stone, problems can be identified in a timely manner and corresponding measures can be taken to correct them. This helps ensure construction quality and project progress.
Research and improvement:
By studying the strength testing standards and methods for cement stabilized crushed stone, it can promote the improvement and innovation of related technologies. This helps to improve the overall quality and durability of road engineering.
In summary, the strength testing standards for cement stabilized crushed stone are a complex and important process that involves multiple requirements and precautions. By following these standards and requirements, it is possible to ensure that the quality of cement stabilized crushed stone meets design requirements and guarantees the safety and stability of road engineering.
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