The quality of one cubic meter of cement stabilized crushed stone depends on the mix proportion and the specific type of aggregate. According to the provided information, the quality of 5% cement stabilized crushed stone is roughly as follows:
水泥:集料 = 5:100,即水泥为集料质量的5%。
Cement: Aggregate=5:100, which means cement accounts for 5% of the aggregate mass.
The quality range of cement stabilized crushed stone is roughly between 2.1 and 2.5 tons per cubic meter.
Therefore, for 5% cement stabilized crushed stone, the mass of one cubic meter is approximately 2.4 tons. This value is an approximate value, and the actual quality may vary depending on the specific mix proportion, aggregate type, and particle size distribution.
If you need more accurate calculations, please provide specific mix proportions and aggregate information for more accurate calculations
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