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来源:/ 日期:2024-12-07

  沥青路面坑槽是指在行车荷载和自然环境作用下路面骨料局部脱落而产生的坑洼结构。《公路沥青路面养护技术规范》(JTJ 073.2—2001)中将坑槽归为松散类,是沥青路面常见的病害之一。坑槽病害具有随机性、突发性、高发性和蔓延性等特点,严重影响沥青路面的平整度、行车的舒适性和安全性,降低沥青路面的使用寿命[1-4]。

  Asphalt pavement potholes refer to the concave structures formed by the partial detachment of pavement aggregates under the action of driving loads and natural environment. According to the Technical Specification for Maintenance of Asphalt Pavement on Highways (JTJ 073.2-2001), potholes are classified as loose and are one of the common diseases of asphalt pavement. Pit and groove diseases have the characteristics of randomness, suddenness, high incidence, and spread, which seriously affect the smoothness, comfort, and safety of asphalt pavement, and reduce the service life of asphalt pavement [1-4].

  沥青路面的坑槽病害发生于路面铺筑的前期、中期以及后期运营阶段。前期发生主要由于路基承载能力不足,在行车荷载作用下出现沉降,进而导致路面出现网裂、松散;中期主要是由于原材料性能不足,混合料配合比设计不合理,混合料的拌合、运输、摊铺、碾压技术不合理等会导致路面坑槽的形成;运营期间一方面由于沥青路面自身性能衰减,另一方面行车荷载、自然环境、油气污染等导致路面结构松散,从而形成坑槽[5-7]。在《公路沥青路面养护技术规范》(JTJ 073.2—2001)中根据坑槽病害的严重程度可将其分为轻微破损坑槽、中等破损坑槽、较严重破损坑槽、严重破损坑槽。根据坑槽病害的成因及出现的位置可分为表面层坑槽、表面层与中面层坑槽、下面层与基层坑槽、刚性组合路面坑槽。

  The pothole disease of asphalt pavement occurs in the early, middle, and later stages of pavement construction and operation. The early occurrence was mainly due to insufficient bearing capacity of the roadbed, which resulted in settlement under the action of traffic loads, leading to network cracks and looseness of the road surface; In the mid-term, the main reasons for the formation of potholes on the road surface are due to insufficient performance of raw materials, unreasonable mix proportion design of the mixture, and unreasonable mixing, transportation, paving, and rolling techniques of the mixture; During operation, on the one hand, the performance of the asphalt pavement deteriorates, and on the other hand, the road structure becomes loose due to factors such as traffic loads, natural environment, and oil and gas pollution, resulting in the formation of potholes [5-7]. In the Technical Specification for Maintenance of Asphalt Pavement on Highways (JTJ 073.2-2001), potholes can be classified into minor damage potholes, moderate damage potholes, relatively severe damage potholes, and severe damage potholes based on the severity of pothole diseases. According to the causes and locations of potholes, they can be divided into surface layer potholes, surface layer and middle layer potholes, bottom layer and base layer potholes, and rigid combination pavement potholes.


  The common repair methods for potholes on asphalt pavement are divided into hot repair method and cold repair method. Among them, hot repair method is the main method for pothole repair on highways at present, which is suitable for repairing various pothole diseases. This technology is mature, has good treatment effect, strong durability, but has long closed traffic time, complex construction, poor low-temperature applicability, and serious pollution; The cold repair method is not affected by low temperature weather, rainy and snowy seasons. The repair process is simple, easy to operate, energy-saving and environmentally friendly, and has good social and economic benefits. It has gradually gained market recognition and promotion [8-11]. However, the current cold repair method has problems such as poor repair effect and insufficient durability, which restrict the further development of cold repair technology; Therefore, improving the performance of cold patching materials is an urgent problem that needs to be solved in the cold patching technology of asphalt pavement potholes.


  Research progress on cold feed materials at home and abroad


  Research progress on cold feed materials abroad


  Research on asphalt cold patching materials was conducted earlier in foreign countries. As early as the early 20th century, the United States and the former Soviet Union began to study the cold patching of road potholes. Subsequently, countries such as Japan and Europe also explored this field. At that time, the main binder used was emulsified asphalt, which was regarded as a key link in cold repair technology and deeply studied by various countries, achieving many results and developing more new repair materials.


  Russian research shows that the essential difference between asphalt cold patching and traditional hot patching lies in the fact that the former uses diluted asphalt with lower viscosity, which appears liquid or semi-solid at room temperature; The latter uses matrix asphalt, which only has fluidity at high temperatures and can be used for construction operations. In addition, studies have shown that the amount of mineral powder used can affect the thickness of the asphalt film on the surface of the mineral material, which is the key factor affecting the effectiveness of cold material repair.

  美国公路战略研究计划(SHRP)对沥青路面坑槽冷 补技术进行了试验研究,着重研究了冬季低温条件下冷修补料用于坑槽临时修补的技术及冷修补料的强度要求,提出了一整套完整的沥青路面技术规范。

  The Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) conducted experimental research on cold repair technology for asphalt pavement potholes, focusing on the technology of using cold repair materials for temporary pothole repair under low temperature conditions in winter and the strength requirements of cold repair materials. A complete set of technical specifications for asphalt pavement was proposed.

  英国研发了一种沥青路面坑槽冷补材料,并在1991年 颁布了针对沥青路面坑槽修补的相关规范,禁止使用之前的沥青碎石。英国运输与道路研究所对于沥青路面冷补料的研究较为深入,研发的冷补料具有较好的使用性能。

  The UK has developed a cold repair material for asphalt pavement potholes and issued relevant specifications for asphalt pavement pothole repair in 1991, prohibiting the use of previous asphalt crushed stones. The Transport and Road Research Institute in the UK has conducted in-depth research on cold patching materials for asphalt pavements, and the developed cold patching materials have good performance.


  Showa Asphalt Industry Co., Ltd. in Japan has developed different types of diluents and produced various types of asphalt repair materials. Among them, the repair materials used in winter can also be well applied at low temperatures.

  加拿大的 TCG 材料公司研制了一种储存式沥青混合料。它是将基础沥青、添加剂、稀释剂以及级配良好的集料按照一定的工艺制备成的冷补沥青修补料。该混合料选用改性沥青作为基础沥青,推荐采用碱性集料(如石灰岩),矿料级配有多种系列,以适应于不同场合的需要。所有级配类型从骨架结构来看均属于开级配骨架空隙结构,级配范围广,矿粉用量极少,最佳沥青用量在4.5%~5.5%。

  TCG Materials, a Canadian company, has developed a storage asphalt mixture. It is a cold patching asphalt repair material prepared by a certain process using basic asphalt, additives, diluents, and well graded aggregates. This mixture uses modified asphalt as the base asphalt, and it is recommended to use alkaline aggregates (such as limestone). There are various series of mineral aggregate gradations to meet the needs of different occasions. All grading types belong to the open graded skeleton void structure from the perspective of skeleton structure, with a wide grading range and very little mineral powder content. The optimal asphalt content is between 4.5% and 5.5%.


  Most of the cold patching asphalt repair materials abroad are prepared using different emulsified asphalt or diluted asphalt and appropriately graded mineral materials. By continuously improving the raw material properties, grading design, and preparation process of cold patching asphalt, the technical performance of cold patching asphalt is maximized. At present, a relatively mature preparation process and product series have been formed and widely applied in physical engineering.


  Research progress on domestic cold feed materials

  国内对于冷补沥青修补的研究起步于20世纪90年代, 并借鉴外国冷修补技术,先后研制了多种溶剂型沥青路面坑槽修补材料,取得了一定的成果,并且有些材料已经应用于实体工程中,但是相对于国内道路养护的需求仍不完善,需要做更深层次的研究。

  The research on cold patching asphalt repair in China started in the 1990s and drew on foreign cold patching techniques. Various solvent based asphalt pavement pit repair materials have been developed and achieved certain results. Some materials have been applied in physical engineering, but the demand for road maintenance in China is still not perfect, and deeper research is needed.


  Northeast Forestry University conducted a long-term performance study on solvent based cold patching materials, mainly targeting two types of materials: asphalt and kerosene, and asphalt and diesel. Through a large number of indoor tests and laying test roads on this basis, a comparative analysis was conducted with emulsified ambient temperature asphalt mixture. After 2 years of observation, there were no cracks on the road surface, and the road performance was good. However, due to the high oil content and uneven mixing of the mixture, there were slight bulges and oil bleeding on the road surface.

  山西省公路管理局对于冷补料冬季修补坑槽的研究与推广较早,在太长线、108国道、307线寿阳路段以及交 通量较大的太旧高速上铺筑了试验路段,经过半年观测, 效果良好。太原公路分局中心实验室研发的低温沥青混合料冬季修补技术,采用袋装沥青混合料修补坑槽,取得了良好的效果。

  The Shanxi Provincial Highway Administration conducted early research and promotion on winter repair of potholes with cold patching materials. Experimental sections were laid on the Taichang Line, 108 National Highway, 307 Shouyang Road, and the heavily trafficked Taijiu Expressway. After six months of observation, the results were good. The low-temperature asphalt mixture winter repair technology developed by the Taiyuan Highway Sub bureau Central Laboratory uses bagged asphalt mixture to repair potholes and has achieved good results.

  吉林省公路管理局研究了低温修补沥青混合料,并在25 ℃条件下,对国道102线路面破损的地方进行了修复,经过1年多的应用,证明低温沥青混合料用于冬季沥青路面的修补和养护是完全可行的。1997年起,该技术作 为吉林省公路养护管理行业重点新技术在全省推广,截止2001年已经累计修补了5 000 ㎡路面,取得了较大的社会、经济效益。

  The Jilin Provincial Highway Management Bureau has studied low-temperature repair asphalt mixture and repaired the damaged areas of National Highway 102 under 25 ℃ conditions. After more than a year of application, it has been proven that low-temperature asphalt mixture is completely feasible for repairing and maintaining winter asphalt pavement. Since 1997, this technology has been promoted as a key new technology in the highway maintenance and management industry in Jilin Province. As of 2001, a total of 5000 square meters of road surfaces have been repaired, achieving significant social and economic benefits.

  河北省河间市交通局公路管理站研发出了一种溶剂型冷补料,是在沥青中适量掺入RM55号溶剂以及植物油 作为冷补液,并根据气温高低加入适量添加剂。该混合料可常温贮存备用或者直接使用。

  The Highway Management Station of Hejian City Transportation Bureau in Hebei Province has developed a solvent based cold supplement material, which is a cold supplement liquid made by adding RM55 solvent and vegetable oil in an appropriate amount to asphalt, and adding appropriate additives according to the temperature. This mixture can be stored at room temperature for future use or used directly.

  辽宁省北镇市研制的低温冷补沥青混合料,其冷补液配制是在沥青中掺入20#轻油, 并在稀释沥青中掺入TZ-1植物油,混合料采用较高的油石比(6%),经过多年 的改进研究,取得了不错的效果。

  The low-temperature cold patching asphalt mixture developed in Beizhen City, Liaoning Province, is formulated by adding 20 # light oil to the asphalt and TZ-1 vegetable oil to the diluted asphalt. The mixture has a high oil to stone ratio (6%) and has achieved good results after years of improvement and research.

  长安大学张秀华等进行了溶剂型冷补胶结料的研制, 并且成品——HU-L研制成功。此材料具有较好的环保性和施工简便性;修复完成后初期在荷载的作用下会不断与旧沥青路面黏结、融合;路面具有一定的柔软性;修补材料不粘车轮,不粘修复工具,受天气影响较小,施工成本降低20210309061124723(1)(2)

  Zhang Xiuhua and others from Chang'an University have developed solvent based cold patching binders, and the final product, HU-L, has been successfully developed. This material has good environmental friendliness and ease of construction; After the repair is completed, it will continuously bond and fuse with the old asphalt pavement under the action of load in the early stage; The road surface has a certain degree of softness; The repair material does not stick to the wheels or repair tools, and is less affected by weather, reducing construction costs.

  同济大学吕伟民教授对溶剂型冷补沥青混合料的强度形成机理进行了系统研究,认为材料的介质是沥青, 沥青分子间的作用是黏结力的重要来源,沥青分子的稠度是黏结性、强度的来源,通过分析升温、加压后沥青分子的布朗运动研究冷补料的性能,结果表明冷补沥青混合料的性能主要与沥青黏度、矿粉用量、沥青膜厚度等相关。

  Professor Lv Weimin from Tongji University conducted a systematic study on the strength formation mechanism of solvent based cold patching asphalt mixtures. He believed that the medium of the material is asphalt, and the interaction between asphalt molecules is an important source of bonding strength. The viscosity of asphalt molecules is the source of bonding and strength. By analyzing the Brownian motion of asphalt molecules after heating and pressurization, the performance of cold patching asphalt mixtures was studied. The results showed that the performance of cold patching asphalt mixtures is mainly related to asphalt viscosity, mineral powder dosage, asphalt film thickness, etc.

  综合对比国内外对冷补料的研究现状可知:中国对于冷补沥青混合料的研究相对不足,理论研究不够完善, 研究体系不够系统;由于材料、工艺以及设备的不足,仍然存在修复后耐久性差、抗冲刷能力差、易出现二次病害等问题[12-18]。但是,从国内对于冷修补技术的投入力度以及科研强度来看,研发出具有普遍适用性、广泛应用于工程实体的冷补沥青混合料指日可待。

  Based on a comprehensive comparison of the research status of cold patching asphalt mixtures both domestically and internationally, it can be concluded that China's research on cold patching asphalt mixtures is relatively insufficient, with incomplete theoretical research and an insufficiently systematic research system; Due to insufficient materials, processes, and equipment, there are still problems such as poor durability, poor resistance to erosion, and susceptibility to secondary diseases after repair [12-18]. However, from the perspective of domestic investment and research intensity in cold repair technology, the development of cold repair asphalt mixtures with universal applicability and wide application in engineering entities is just around the corner.

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