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来源:/ 日期:2024-06-04


The road maintenance department usually uses hot mix asphalt mixture when repairing road surfaces. However, due to the influence of factors such as weather, temperature, pit size, quantity, and degree of damage on hot mix repair, if pits, especially winter pits, that appear at any time, cannot be repaired in a timely manner, it will inevitably exacerbate the damage, not only waste repair materials, but also affect traffic safety and reduce the service life of the road.


Asphalt cold repair materials use special methods to modify asphalt, making it have excellent adhesion, pressure sensitivity, and viscoelasticity. After appropriate compaction, it can stick to the repair area for a long time without falling off. Asphalt cold repair materials have many advantages, such as being able to repair road surfaces under all weather conditions, easy to operate, good repair quality, long-term storage, and cost saving. They have been widely used in road surface repair in various provinces and cities, and are increasingly recognized and welcomed by road maintenance departments.


Asphalt cold material construction technology


1. Cleaning of pits: Generally, for repairs, the gravel and waste residue inside and around the pit to be repaired should be cleaned thoroughly, and there should be no mud, ice or other debris inside the pit. The repair of highways and municipal road excavation projects should have neat cut edges for the repaired caves and trenches, and the removal of waste should be done until a solid and sturdy surface is visible.


2. Fill the pit: Fill enough cold filling material into the pit until the filling material is about 1.5cm above the ground. For repairing highways and general highways, the amount of material input can be increased by about 20% or 10%. After filling, the center of the pit should be higher than the surrounding road surface and be curved. When the depth of road surface potholes is more than 5cm, the filling work should be done in layers of 3-5 cm, with each layer filled and compacted layer by layer.


3. Compaction: After laying evenly, select appropriate compaction tools and methods based on the on-site repair environment, repair area size, and depth for compaction. For example, manual backhoes, manual compactors, vibrating flat compactors, flat bottomed aluminum pressure plates, truck tires, road rollers or pavers, and other compaction methods are used.


The characteristics of asphalt cold repair materials

1、全天候型修补材料: 沥青冷补料适用的环境温度范围宽,可在-30℃至50℃之间适用,无论雨天、雨雪或晴天均可施工

1. All weather repair material: Asphalt cold repair material is suitable for a wide range of ambient temperatures, ranging from -30 ℃ to 50 ℃, and can be used for construction on rainy, snowy, or sunny days

2、施工简单: 使用沥青冷补料进行路面坑槽修补时无需粘层油.备料可随用随取,不需要重型施工机械,可根据路面的不同修补情况采用冲击压实、人工压实或汽车轮胎碾压即可。并且用沥青冷补料修补过的区域无需封闭交通,可立即通车,大大缓解因道路修补施工而造成的交通压力。

2. Simple construction: When using asphalt cold patching material for repairing road potholes, there is no need for adhesive oil. The material can be prepared and taken at any time, without the need for heavy construction machinery. Depending on the different repair conditions of the road surface, impact compaction, manual compaction, or car tire rolling can be used. And the area repaired with asphalt cold repair material does not need to close traffic and can be immediately opened to traffic, greatly alleviating the traffic pressure caused by road repair construction.


3、修补质量佳 : 沥青冷补料具有极强的抗老化和粘结性能,修补后的坑穴,不易产生脱落、龟裂等不良现象,不需重复修补。

3. Good repair quality: the asphalt cold patching material has extremely strong anti-aging and bonding properties, and the pits after repair are not easy to fall off, crack and other undesirable phenomena, so there is no need to repeat the repair.

4、修补成本低 : 使用沥青冷补料施工时,不受天气和坑穴大小及数量的限制,且修补时无需加热或搅拌,可根据实际用量随时取用,剩余材料可在下次修补中继续使用,不会造成材料浪费.真正地100%利用。

4. Low repair cost: When using asphalt cold repair material for construction, it is not limited by weather and pit size and quantity, and there is no need to heat or mix during repair. It can be used at any time according to the actual amount, and the remaining materials can continue to be used in the next repair without causing material waste. It is truly 100% utilized.

5、绿色环保: 沥青冷补料生产和使用过程中不会产生粉尘和黑烟,且成品不溶于水,因而不会污染大气和地下水,有利于环境保护。

5. Green and environmentally friendly: During the production and use of asphalt cold repair materials, no dust or black smoke is generated, and the finished product is insoluble in water, so it will not pollute the atmosphere and groundwater, which is beneficial for environmental protection.

6、易于保存: 常温下袋装密封成品可存放达两年之久,不会结块。

6. Easy to store: Sealed finished products in bags can be stored for up to two years at room temperature without clumping.


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