沥青路面面层厚度不足,在行车荷载作用下出现结构性裂缝。半刚性基层收缩裂缝产生的反射裂缝。桥、涵洞两侧路堤填土沉降,导致裂。沥青是不同分子量的碳氢化合物和黑褐色非金属衍生物的复杂混合物,是一种高粘度有机液体,液态,黑色表面,可溶于 。沥青是一种防水防潮防腐的有机胶凝材料。
Insufficient thickness of asphalt pavement surface layer leads to structural cracks under driving loads. Reflection cracks caused by shrinkage cracks in semi-rigid base layers. The settlement of the embankment filling on both sides of the bridge and culvert leads to cracks. Asphalt is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with different molecular weights and black brown non-metallic derivatives. It is a high viscosity organic liquid, liquid, black surface, and soluble. Asphalt is an organic binder material that is waterproof, moisture-proof, and corrosion-resistant.
After years of continuous improvement, the performance of cold repair materials has become more mature. Both in terms of operation and use, it is superior to hot mix asphalt and emulsified asphalt mixtures. With its characteristics of simple operation, long-term storage, good repair, wide use, and environmental friendliness, it has been widely applied and promoted in many municipal roads, general highways, and expressways in China.
㎡ (Interface agent must be applied when repairing highways and traffic sections with high traffic volume)
Fill the pit and groove
Fill enough cold filling material into the pit until the filling is about 1.5cm higher than the road surface. After filling, the pit should be slightly higher than the surrounding road surface and form an arc. If the depth of the road pit is greater than 5cm, it should be filled layer by layer, compacted layer by layer, and each layer should be 3-5cm.
After laying evenly, select appropriate compaction tools and methods based on the on-site environment, the size and depth of the repair area, and carry out compaction. Such as car tire compaction, manual compaction (hang), vibrating flat compactor compaction, and roller compaction. When repairing high-grade highways, the edges and corners of the repaired area should be fully compacted.
Open to traffic
The surface of the repaired pit should be smooth, flat, and free of wheel marks. The edges and corners of the pit must be compacted without any looseness. The compaction degree of ordinary road repair should reach over 93%, and the compaction degree of highway repair should reach over 95%.
This article is dedicated by Jinan Asphalt Materials. For more information, please click: Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned